So I thought I would give it another go but this time in the FEED studio where the rain wouldn't get to it and it would be all round dryer. With the help of my friend Imi we dragged all the plaster and wood in the studio to give it another go. This time I thought it would work better if instead of putting the plaster into the water if I out the water into the plaster and do it a batch at a tme and pour it into the second frame in college. "A plan without any drawbacks!" I thought...
So the fame and tarpaulin are in place ans I start mixing the plaster. I feel so good I've got it all under control and the first mix is spot on. The right consistancy and just how it should be. Not like the stupid one in my back garden?!? I pour it out in the mold and I start on the next batch. Disaster strikes. This batch isnt going as well and is going off in the washing up bowl I'm mixing this in!? (The first picture below) I keep trying with it for a bit and it's just getting worse and worse. Then another friend Kayne comes round to see what's going on and fiends me stressing about how nothing is going right and sees the solid lump of plaster (pictures 2 and 3 below) sat in the frame and, in the nicest possible way, tells me this isn't going to work...
I'm losing faith that this will ever work at this point.

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