Pretty self explanitory but it's a prt of a campaign to make drivers think about other non-motor drivers on the road. Have a look here, think it's in Chicago.

Pretty twee cover a magazine but shows the idealic side of riding a bike and appeals to a certain audience less concerned with being cool.

Again does exactly what's on the side of the tin but looks ace. Great colours.

Really like this one, looks like it could be some 1940s advert for riding in the Lake District.

I've probably written something like this loads of times but this really is amazing! I think this is probably the best bike design I've seen so far. I think it speaks for itself.
(I'm getting bad at this because I must have been in a mad hurry to save all these and then move onto something else because I don't know where I got any of these and I don't know who did them? If anyone knows then I'll defo give credit where it's due, sorry.)
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