Thursday, 1 January 2009

Bike stamps

One of the most distinctive and unique things about fixed gear bikes is the iconic three or five-spoked wheels that riders sometmes have on the front wheel. From what I understand these can be considered a bit try hard and for people more concerned about attracting attention. However, from a design point of view these are something that, as I said, are specific and recognisable to fixed gear bikes and so could allow for some degree of interpretation. I found this one poster (sorry I can't remember where I found it so would give credit but don't knw who too but it was either on Tracko or The Bootleg Sessions) which displays them really nicely and cleanly.

I then also found this bike stamp (again I don't know where this was but will be either of the same blogs above but can't remember the designer, sorry!) which I think is such a cool idea! The idea that stamps commemerate a hero or a festival or whatever but can be a canvas could be great. I'm excited by these revelations.

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