Sunday, 23 November 2008

Mash SF

I've been after a bike for a while but can't afford it but it doesn't stop me looking at bike blogs. In looking for a bike and looking at the arkitip blog I've mentioned in the past two posts I found this crew called Mash SF. They are bike enthusiasts (and have published a book/DVD combination).
This has got me thinking about the idea of time. I got really into the cycling during the Bejing olympics and thought it was a really beautiful sport to watch and obviously got even more enthralled with Team GB doing really well. Besides all the medals there was constant talk of breaking world and olympic records so the obviuos link to my FMP are the race against time and trying to beat the clock. (Not in some cheesy clip art way where you're racing an actual clock!?) This concept was most evident in the individual pursuit races. I'm going to develop this idea into the theme of time.


Arkitip is really high quality art magazine which I can never afford but always looks good. The latest issue looks to me to the best yet because it's a special on Peter Saville.
I really want it.

Arkitip blog

Found this on the Aritip | Intelligence | Blog and really like it. Love how it combines the lines.


I've been thinking about the FMP for a while about the clocks and what I could do with it. I obviously really like all the clock installations and I'd love to do something like that but I've been thinking more about the concept and what it is I would want to say with it or what it would mean and I think it's the whole concept of time.
I panic with graphic design sometimes that I haven't got enough time. That ideas don't come quick enough. That I'm graduating in June. But anyway, before this gets too down and confessional I want this FMP to be about time. It keeps going, that it won't end, you can't stop it and that clocks are one expression of this there are others so I'm going to go this way.