Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Another take on bike culture. Really interesting romanticising it all and the idea it's counter cultural. Going to think on that.
{Again thanks to SFGFC}
Bike Messengers
There is another side of track bikes that is bike couriering. In busy cities like New York where it isn't always easier to get stuff around quickest by car or motorbike then a bike will be able to circumnavigate its way around against traffic, through shortcuts and through very tight spots.
This short film demonstartes it really well and it's got some nice animation touches too. I'm goning to story board a short animation now.
{Got it from Southend Fixed Gear Fight Club}
Victoria Pendleton

Found this article on Victoria Pendleton done in The Observer Sports Monthly in March, so four months before the Beijing Olympics, reporting on her hopes and Wagamamas. Naturally.
This got me thinking

Beijing 2008 Olympic track cycling
Mens team sprint
Mens keiran final
Mens team pursuit
Womens final individual pursuit
Mens sprint final
This stuff is so exciting, I couldn't find the original BBC Sport stuff but the commentary is much better on it because everyone is losign there minds when they were watching it because the British destroyed everyone. I love the speed, the strength and just how cool it all looks. I was watching this over the summer and got really hooked watching this. This is going to be a major influence.
[Sorry they're not embedded, if you want to view them in another tab or window you'll have to right-click them or cmd-click them]
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Mash SF

I've been after a bike for a while but can't afford it but it doesn't stop me looking at bike blogs. In looking for a bike and looking at the arkitip blog I've mentioned in the past two posts I found this crew called Mash SF. They are bike enthusiasts (and have published a book/DVD combination).
This has got me thinking about the idea of time. I got really into the cycling during the Bejing olympics and thought it was a really beautiful sport to watch and obviously got even more enthralled with Team GB doing really well. Besides all the medals there was constant talk of breaking world and olympic records so the obviuos link to my FMP are the race against time and trying to beat the clock. (Not in some cheesy clip art way where you're racing an actual clock!?) This concept was most evident in the individual pursuit races. I'm going to develop this idea into the theme of time.

Arkitip is really high quality art magazine which I can never afford but always looks good. The latest issue looks to me to the best yet because it's a special on Peter Saville.
I really want it.

I've been thinking about the FMP for a while about the clocks and what I could do with it. I obviously really like all the clock installations and I'd love to do something like that but I've been thinking more about the concept and what it is I would want to say with it or what it would mean and I think it's the whole concept of time.
I panic with graphic design sometimes that I haven't got enough time. That ideas don't come quick enough. That I'm graduating in June. But anyway, before this gets too down and confessional I want this FMP to be about time. It keeps going, that it won't end, you can't stop it and that clocks are one expression of this there are others so I'm going to go this way.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
I Love You To The Moon and Back

Another post differnt to the time theme but really enjoyed it. This is a poster by Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard which is large detail of the inlay cards Iain and Jane sent each other. I love the detail, the scale, the handwriting, the thought behind it and the delivery in the photograph. I'd love to incorporate something like this.
La Boca

Completely different to the other posts but I found some work by design agency La Boca and thought it was brilliant. The majority of their work is illustration for album artwork and magazine layouts. Most notably for electro group Simian Mobile Disco and psyhed group Emporer Machine
Here are some of my favourites:
Emporer Machine - What's in the Box
Simian Mobile Disco - Remixed
Simian Mobile Disco - I Believe
Tom Tyler - Foward Going Backward
Emporer Machine - Aimee Tallulah is Hypnotised
Their Blog
Life Clock

Betrand Planes has done a Life Clock which is the same size as a normal clock but instead of having 1-12 numbers it's got 0-77ish and doesnt run at normal time but is really slowed down representing an average life-span. Interesting variation on the others I've posted.
Mirror Digital Clock

Albin Karlsson has done a massive installation which is a series of 28 hanging mirrors controlled by 28 motors to tell the time.
Time/Tesco Drawing

This is cheap clock bought from Tesco's stripped down to it's basic parts masking taped to a piece of paper with a Tesco felt-tip pen attached which makes a twelve hour drawing. It is still in the same vein as the previous posts but completely lo-fi in comparison with the mechanical installations. An interesting idea and wouldn't be as good on it's on but something like this would be good as a part of something bigger. (The link goes straight to Eivind Soreng Molvaer's site and you need to click on the 'Various' drop-down menu and chose 'Time/Tesco Drawing'. There is also another piece on the same drop-down menu called 'Time/Cress Clock', which is interesting.)
Mono Chrono Pneumatic White

Mono Chrono Pneumatic White - Sculpture from House42 on Vimeo.
This is amazing! A huge scale clock that looks about 12 ft high, beautifully designed and functional.
Big Crunch Clock

This is the Big Crunch Clock. Again part of the same exhibition this time it is a "digital clock that counts backwards the five billion years left before the the sun explodes... it is designed to funtion with solar energy-the same energy that will one day destroy it" (Lodown magazine no. 61 p113)
Perfect Lovers

Here is another piece from the vvork curated installation by Felix Gonzalez-Torres 'Untitled' (Perfect Lovers) The clocks are in sync which I love but the photo makes it with the colour wall and the lighting
Beautiful Times
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